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ARCH Program

The ARCH program, Agricultural Research in California History, is designed to encourage students with an interest in history to explore significant agricultural research events throughout California's history.


California FARMS Foundation and the Historical Research Center at the Walter W. Stiern Library have established an internship with the broad goals of arranging, describing, preserving archival materials preparing those materials for research, digitizing materials, and establishing a research/visitor center that will have space for museum quality exhibits.

The historical preservation project is planned to continue beyond 2017.

Completed Tasks


  • Task #1 Preservation Assessment - As of August 5th, 2015, the entire collection had been randomly sampled and assessed for deteroration and potential threats.


  • Task #2 Arrangement, description, cataloging, and digitizing of materials in bankers boxes - As of August 5th, 2015, The archival items have been organized, arranged, placed in acid-free boxes, and digitized.


  • Task #3 Inventory and catalog research library - As of December 18th, 2015, the books and periodicals in the collection have been inventoried and are being cataloged. 


  • Task #4 Arrangement, description, cataloging, and digitizing of materials in fle cabinets - By March 14th, 2016, the archival items will be inventoried, cataloged, placed in acid-free folders, and digitized.


Tasks in Progress


  • Task #5 Arrangement, description, and digitization of the architectural drawing collection and photo collection - By June 6th, 2016, the mixed media in the collection will be digitized by a third party vendor.


  • Task #6 Installation of the historical Exhibit - By the end of the 2016 Summer Term, the exhibts for the museum project will be installed.


  • Task #7 Oral history interview studio design and construction - By the end of the 2016 Summer Term, the oral history studio will be complete and CSUB students will begin to conduct interviews of valley farmers and other persons of interest. 


  • Task #8 Completion of visitor center - By the end of 2017.

Early Days of The Shafter Research Station Slideshow

© 2015 by California FARMS Foundation

Phone: (661) 630-4150

P.O. Box 1510

Shafter, CA 93263

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